Deep-Sky Equipment
TEC 140ED, ∅140mm f/7, Baader field flattener, FocusLynx focuser
Takahashi Sky90-II guidescope
Astro Physics 900GTO CPO3 mount with ATS Pier
QHY367C 36MP full-format CMOS camera
QHY5L-II 1.2MP guidecamera
Wide-Field Equipment
Sigma ART 135mm f/4 lens, Pegasus FocusCube2
QHY600C 60MP full-format CMOS camera
Avalon EvoZero mount
QHY5L-II 1.2MP guidecamera, Omegon 60mm Guidescope
Pegasus PowerBox2
Celestial Beauties
I use KStars with Ekos and INDI for all operations of the equipment and for image post-processing PixInsight.